
Criticism of the Prison and Probation Service, Skogome prison, for its handling of an application for leave. Also statements on inmates accessing eye tests

Date of decision: 2024-09-23

Decision case number: 5959-2023

Decision maker: Ombudsman

Summary of the decision: A prison failed to process an application for leave properly. The inmate had his application returned to him with a post-it note with a short explanation and the message that he could “withdraw the application”. It is not clear what further information the inmate received in this context. The prison is criticised for its handling of the case.

In her decision, the Parliamentary Ombudsman also makes statements about the responsibility of the Prison and Probation Service when inmates need an eye test. She stresses that prisons have to take inmates’ complaints of problems with their sight seriously and ensure that inmates who need it are able to undergo an eye examination.