All Complaints Are Not Investigated

Every complaint submitted to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen undergoes an initial assessment by a seasoned legal advisor to determine the necessary investigatory steps.

If further investigation is deemed unnecessary, the advisor drafts a decision proposal. This does not imply the complaint is unjustified but rather may be due to one or more reasons:

  • The complaint is outside the Parliamentary Ombudsmen’s jurisdiction, covering only authorities and their employees, not private schools, foster homes, or custodians.
  • The complaint challenges a legal decision or judgment, which the Parliamentary Ombudsmen cannot overturn or amend.
  • The case is related to an authority's discretion, and differing opinions do not imply illegality.
  • The complaint addresses incidents over two years old, limiting investigatory relevance.
  • The issue has been corrected or handled appropriately by the responsible authority.
  • The Ombudsmen lack jurisdiction over compensation claims or generalized legal inquiries.
  • The complaint is vague or lacks specificity, making assessment difficult.
  • Another authority is investigating the matter, where the Ombudsmen avoid duplicate review.
  • The complaint relates to employment issues, which fall outside the Ombudsmen's supervisory scope.